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Alexander Tyurin
Year of birth: 1959
Occupation: Fine art, painting
Alexander Tyurin
Artist Style: Associative analytical

Painter, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairman of the "Painting Section" of the Creative Union of Artist of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor of the Department of Monumental Painting of the National Institute of Art and Design named after K. Behzod, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.

Born in 1959 in Central Asia in the Tien Shan mountains in the family of a geologist and meteorologist.

…Today, Alexander Tyurin works in a country that is a loving, life-giving avant-garde of the movement of humanistic principles in the Central Asian creative space. In the ranking of the top ten artists of Central Asia, the first eight recognized local artists of Uzbekistan and Tyurin is in this list. Tyurin is now talking about fine art, synthesized by East and West. At the same time, despite the fact that Alexander’s painting is built on a magnificent layer of the realistic school, he is not alien to the avant-garde and expressionist solutions to the themes of some…

1981 - Graduated from the painting department of the Republican Art schools named after P.P. Benkov. Tashkent. /Diploma with honors/.

1988 - Graduated from the monumental painting department of the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute named after A.N. Ostrovsky. /Diploma with honors/.

1991 - Graduated from the target assistantship of the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and architecture named after I.E. Repin, Academy of Arts of the USSR, specialty "Drawing and Painting".

Membership in creative associations.

1990-91 - Member of the Youth Association of Artists of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

1992-97 - Member of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan.


1997-2020 - Member of the Creative Association of Artists of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.

2009 - Member of the Professional Association of Artists of Russia.

2020 - Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan at the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. Awards.

2010 - Silver medal of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan - for active creative work and the creation of power: "Silence", "Eternity", "Red Jazz". Laureate of the "Person of the Year" award TOP-ART 2010. Diploma of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the nomination "Exhibition of the Year".

2014 - Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 22, 2014

2016 - Winner of the annual competition "The Greatest, Most Expensive" city stage, for the best creative works in the field of journalists and print media employees, materials of TV and radio creative workers, fine arts and photo design works glorifying Uzbekistan.

2019 - Badge of honor "For contribution to the development of Russian culture in Uzbekistan". By the decision of the Presidio of the Center-Mom of Russian Cultural Uzbekistan /Certificate No. 051/. Medal. "Jubilee medal of the Russian Orthodox Church". Indicated by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. Laureate of the "Person of the Year" award TOP-ART 2020 in the nomination "Artist of the Year".


1981 - Exhibition of the best graduation works of students of art specialties of universities and colleges of art. Ministry of Culture of the Uzbek SSR. Academy of Arts of the USSR. Tashkent. Leningrad.

1987 - All-Union competitive exhibition of student works. Research Museum of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. Leningrad. Exhibition "70th Anniversary of the Decree on Peace". International Peace Committee. Tashkent. Exhibition "Creative works of students of art specialties of universities and colleges of art." Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

1989  - All-Union exhibition "Images of time". Research Museum of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. Leningrad.

Exhibition "50 years of the Union of Artists of Uzbekistan". Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. CEH. Tashkent.

Exhibition "Tashkent-city of masters". Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. London.

Exhibition "Landscape in the works of artists of the Commonwealth countries" International Confederation of Unions of Artists /MKSH/, Central House of Artists, Moscow.

1991 - Exhibition "550 years since the birth of A. Navoi". Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan. Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

1993 - Personal exhibition. Exhibition Hall Union of Architects of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

Exhibition "Contemporary Art". British Embassy in R.F. Moscow.

Exhibition. The Moscow gallery "Eastern Gallery" represents artists in the gallery of Europe: London, Vienna, Frankfurt am Main, Stockholm, Brussels.

Personal exhibition. Club of Central Eurasia Gunma. Maebashi. Japan.

Exhibition Gallery "Art Agency" International Confederation of Unions of Artists MKSH/, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Hall 14B, Central House of Artists, Moscow.

2011 - Personal exhibition. Interstate Japanese-Uzbek project in the field of "Famous artists of culture of Uzbekistan". "Otsu Gallery". Japan.

Exhibition. International project of the exhibition of artists of Japan and Uzbekistan "Invited exhibition of Korean artists in Uzbekistan". Association of European Artists. Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

Exhibition. Tashkent International Art Exhibition "BIENNALE-2011". Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. International Confederation of Unions of Artists. Foundation of the forum of culture and art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

2012 - "Uzbekistan is my home." To the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Cultural Center of Uzbekistan. Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

Personal exhibition. "Frontiers of Creativity". National Center for the Arts "Zaikarnar". Tashkent.

Personal exhibition. East, Love, Heat. Ikuo Hiroyama International Caravanserai of Culture. Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, "Year of the Family". Tashkent.

Personal exhibition. "Contemporary Art of Uzbekistan Center" "Gallery of International Design", Maebashi. Japan. Exhibition Gallery "Art Agency" International Confederation of Unions of Artists /MKSH/, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Hall 14B, Central House of Artists, Moscow.

2013 - Tashkent International Art Exhibition "BIENNALE-2013". Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. International Confederation of Unions of Artists. Foundation of the forum of culture and art of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

2014 - International Art Exhibition. "History and cultural relationship between Uzbekistan and Europe: from Alexander the Great to Amir Timur". European Parliament. Belgium. Exhibition Gallery "Art Agency" International Confederation of Unions of Artists /MKSH/, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Hall 14B, Central House of Artists, Moscow.

2016 - gallery "Art Agency" International Confederation of Unions of Artists /MKSH/, Central House of Artists, Moscow, Hall 14B, Central House of Artists, Moscow.

2017 - Personal exhibition. Project "Art in the Regions", Creative Association of Artists, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, Children's Music School No. 4, Chirchik district.

Exhibition. International art exhibition within the framework of the International Forum "One Belt, One Road". Kazakhstan.

Exhibition. International Art Exhibition. "Contemporary Art of Uzbekistan", Astana, Kazakhstan.

Exhibition. International Art Exhibition. "Modern Artists of Uzbekistan". Beijing, China.

2018 - Personal exhibition. State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I.V.Savitsky.

2019 - "Russian art in Uzbekistan in an environment with the art of fraternal peoples" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Cultural Center of Uzbekistan. House of Photography, Academy of Art, Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

Exhibition. “Festival of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan. “Teachers and students of the department of monumental painting of the National Institute of Art and Design named after K. Behzod”, Central Exhibition Hall, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

2019/20 - Personal anniversary exhibition "Transit". Gallery of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan, Russian Cultural Center of Uzbekistan, Russian World Foundation / Moscow /, Russian Orthodox Church / Moscow /, Tashkent and Uzbekistan Diocese, Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan, National Institute of Art and Design named after K.Behzod.Tashkent.

2021 - Exhibition. "The Beauty of the Captured Goddesses". Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.

Exhibition Hall of AHU. Tashkent.

Exhibition. "Draw me a map." Creative Union of Artists of Uzbekistan. CEH. Tashkent.

Exhibition. "30 years of Independence of Uzbekistan". Exposure from the assets of the NBU. Gallery of fine arts of Uzbekistan. Tashkent.

Works available:

In the collection museum:

Center for Contemporary Art "Gallery of Fine Arts of Uzbekistan". State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I.V.Savitsky. Museum of Great Thoughts. Kokand, Uzbekistan. Museum collection of portraits of the rectors of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. Russia. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington DC, USA.


Bridge Bank. Moscow. International Japanese Cultural Center "Caravanserai" them. Ikuo Hiroyama. International Cultural Foundation. Moscow. Tashkent and Uzbekistan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. Tashkent Orthodox Theological Seminary. International Center for Cultural Cooperation "Eurasian House", Japan. Department of the British Navy. Chief's office. London. Gallery "Eastern Gallery". Moscow. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek.

Private collections of collectors:

Uzbekistan, Russia, USA, Japan, Israel, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Turkey, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.


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