Year of birth: 1952
Occupation: Fine art, painting
Occupation: Fine art, painting
Tursunbay Djumanov
Artist Style: Realism
Artist Style: Realism
Painter. Born in 1953 in the Khojeli district of the village "Keneges".
He worked as the head of the Takhiatash art factory.
1970-1974 - Studied at the Tashkent Republican Art School named after. P.P. Benkov.
1983-1989 - Studied at the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute. named after A.N. Ostrovsky.
Participant of republican, inter-republican and international exhibitions.
Member of the creative association of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan.
Lives in the city of Chirchik, Tashkent region.