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Furkat Bozorov
Year of birth: 1986
Occupation: Fine art, painting
Furkat Bozorov
Artist Style: Associative analytical

He was born in 1986 in the city of Nurota. Navoi region


2006-2010 - National Institute of Artistic Research named after K. Bekhzod, department of artistic solution, bachelor's degree

2012-2014 - National Institute of Artistic and Design Works named after K. Bekhzod, Department of Artistic Solutions for Film and Television Film, Master's Degree.

From 2014 to the present, teacher at the National Institute of Art Design named after Kamaliddin Behzod in Tashkent, at the Department of Theater and Scenery Painting.

Participation and achievements:

2001 - "Egypt through the eyes of young artists" gold medal winner, Egypt, Cairo

2003 - "New names" Diploma. Russia, Suzdal

2008 - "Kelajak ovozi" winner of the nomination of fine and applied arts

2009 - "Ab ovo" participant of the exhibition project

2010 - "Week of fine arts" winner in the nomination of fine arts.

2010 - "Barkamol avlod - yurt kelazhagi" winner in the nomination of fine arts.

2013 - The main artist of Ilkhom Ibragimov's feature film "Sadokat"

2014 - Member of the creative association of artists of Uzbekistan

2014 - Art director of the Nozima Tulahudaeva's feature film "Zarb"

2014 - "Yurtimiz yoshlari" participant of the exhibition

2014 - "SCENOFEST - 2014" exhibition of theater and film artists

2015 - Chief artist of the Umida Khamdamova's feature film "Shunkorlar"

2015 - "Eng ulug, eng aziz" winner of the fine art nomination

2016 - "The image of the song" winner of the exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Batyr Zakirov

2017 - Exhibition "Uzbekistan and Ukraine, through the eyes of artists". Tashkent. House of photography .Uzbekistan

2018 - "Ibratli hikoyalar" artist of TV Uzbekistan project

2019 - participant of the exhibition "Week of Fine Arts"

2021 - Personal exhibition "Between sky and water" at the Ikuo Hirayama International Caravanserai of Culture. Tashkent

2021 - Participant of the art exhibition "Art, Sustainability, Peace" International Cultural Diversity Organizer (ICDO)

Also, the works of artists are scattered (stored) in private collections in foreign countries, in England, France, Turkey, Germany and Russia


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