Year of birth: 1991
Occupation: Fine art, painting
Occupation: Fine art, painting
Dilshod Nur
Artist Style: Lyric-romantic
Artist Style: Lyric-romantic
Vakhobov Dilshod Orifyanovich
Born in 1990 - Namangan
2000-2003 - (Dompeiner) Vocational school. He studied at the department of easel painting.
2006-2009 - Namangan Art College, studied at the Department of Color Rendering of Dastgohly, his drawing teachers were Akmal Nur, Polat Jalilov, Erkin Azizov, Askaraly Akbarov.
2011-2015 - National institute o9f fine arts and design named after K. Behzod, faculty of Fine Arts, Master of color painting, studied with such masters of color painting with a machine tool as Obidov B., Tashmuradov M., Rakhmonov Zh., Sabirbaevlar S.
2018 - Member of the Union of Craftsmen.
2018 - Member of the Union of Artists UBA.