"ART VERNISSAGE" publishing House
The book contains all the experience, knowledge, culture. The book improves us. We owe everything we have achieved to books: those that we have read and those that we have published. We create books of any format, which means that we open endless development opportunities for everyone. The publishing house "ART VERNISSAGE" provides a full range of services for the preparation of publications for printing, starting with typing, layout, design, editing and correction, and ending with color inkjet, digital and offset printing.
We publish art albums, monographs and textbooks on art, books on history, philosophy, culture, art criticism, as well as children's, artistic, scientific literature.
We present the following types of publishing services:
1. Typing and preparation of illustrative material
Our specialists will qualitatively prepare for printing any text and illustrative material: operators will professionally type the text, scan and prepare for printing the illustrations necessary for your publication.
2. General and literary editing
General editing will eliminate contradictions and inconsistencies in the text, and literary processing will give the publication a stylistic harmony. Our professionals will help to prepare for the release of the book not only literate, but also accessible to perception.
3. Proofreader services
Proofreading – correction of spelling, punctuation, grammatical and technical errors made when writing, typing or scanning text. High-level specialists will make your text flawless and competent.
4. Translation from/to English, Russian, Uzbek and Chinese
Translation of texts of any subject and complexity: advertising and representative publications, booklets, technical and other instructions, contracts and agreements, business correspondence, texts of albums, books, brochures.
5. Reconciliation and proofreading of texts in English, Russian and Uzbek (Cyrillic and Latin) languages
This service will help to avoid spelling, grammar and punctuation errors made when writing, typing or scanning a foreign language text.
6. Layout
Layout of books, albums, textbooks, magazines, booklets and other publications according to the approved layout.
7. Designer and artist services
Development of the original layout of advertising and representative booklets, brochures, books, albums – the most diverse printing products. Restoration of damaged photos and drawings. Creation of exclusive logos and paintings according to your order. We work with leading artists, including book graphic artists.
8. Assignment of ISBN, UDC and LBC codes
At the request of our clients, we assign the following publishing codes to our publishing products (books, textbooks and manuals, magazines, etc.):
ISBN - (International Standard Book number) - international standard book number. The ISBN number is assigned to a specific publication. It is a means of improving the book trade and book distribution. The electronic catalog of international booksellers is created on the basis of ISBN.
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) — information classification system, widely used worldwide for the systematization of works of science, literature and art, periodicals, various types of documents and the organization of file cabinets. Universal decimal classification is generally characterized by several basic properties: universality and decimality.
The Library-Bibliographical Classification (LBC) is a categorization system meant to organize library collections, systematic catalogs, and file cabinets by disclosing the content of printed works in the form of a coherent scientifically based knowledge system. The classification of sciences and real-world occurrences based on objectivity and development principles forms the foundation of the LBC. It is manifested in a particular subordination of the sciences in the passage from lower to higher, from simple to complex, based on the classification of the forms of matter's movement and its types.
Our Works
Name: Lacquer miniature
Type: Catalog
Author: Behzod Khadzhimetov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 160
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8957-2-0
Name: Cultural heritage of masters of applied art of Uzbekistan. Auction catalog No. 2
Type: Catalog
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 60
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8956-8-3
Name: Panorama of applied arts: tradition and the art market
Type: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference
Compiled by: Zukhra Zaynutdinova
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 148
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8957-1-3
Name: Political Technologies
Type: Study guide
Author: Etibor Sultanova
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 200
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8957-0-6
Name: Parathekwondo: theory and practice. 2-part
Type: Textbook
Author: M.M. Taskhodzhaev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 184
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8956-1-4
Name: Parathekwondo: theory and practice. 1-part
Type: Textbook
Author: M.M. Taskhodzhaev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 264
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8956-0-7
Title: Theoretical foundations and principles of training a pair of judoists
Type: Textbook
Author: F.H.Akhmedov, O.J.Dadaboev, F.R.Tyraev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 160
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8956-2-1
Name: Parataekvondo: nazariya va uslublar 2-qism
Type: Textbook
Author: M.M. Taskhodzhaev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 168
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-9-4
Name: : Parataekvondo: nazariya va uslublar 1-qism
Type: Textbook
Author: M.M. Taskhodzhaev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 168
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-8-7
Name: Music No. 4 (16) 2021
Type: scientific and methodological journal
Author: State Conservatory of Uzbekistan
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 100
Year of publication: 2022
ISSN: 2181-9882 E-ISSN: 2181-1288
Name: Music No. 3 (15) 2021
Type: scientific and methodological journal
Author: State Conservatory of Uzbekistan
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 100
Year of publication: 2022
ISSN: 2181-9882 E-ISSN: 2181-1288
Title: Music No. 2 (14) 2021
Type: scientific and methodological journal
Author: State Conservatory of Uzbekistan
Publisher: Art Vernissage
Number of pages: 100
Year of publication: 2022
ISSN: 2181-9882 Electronic ISSN: 2181-1288
Name: Music No. 1(13) 2021
Type: scientific and methodological journal
Author: State Conservatory of Uzbekistan
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 100
Year of publication: 2022
ISSN: 2181-9882 E-ISSN: 2181-1288
Name: Practical training in the workshop. The direction of the master is an artist of artistic embroidery
Type: Study guide
Author: F. Musayeva
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 248
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8956-3-8
Name: Painting. 4th grade
Type: Study guide
Author: S. Muminova
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 96
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-5-6
Name: Methods of teaching and techniques of Kurash
Type: methodical manual
Author: K. Yusupov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 140
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-4-0
Name: Kurash: history of development and prospects
Type: monograph
Author: Kamil Yusupov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 192
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-3-3
Name: Kurash teaching methods and techniques
Type: Practical manual
Author: K. Yusupov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 128
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-6-4
Name: Intangible Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan
Type: Atlas book
Author: L. Mirzayeva, U. Tashmatov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 390
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-2-6
Title: Glorification of bright values
Type: Catalog
Author: Ortikali Kozokov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 220
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-7-0
Name: Art vernissage Auction Catalog No. 1
Type: Auction catalog
Author: Art vernissage
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 48
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 978-9943-8956-8-3
Name: Painting. 3rd grade
Type: Study guide
Author: S. Muminova
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 96
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-4-9
Name: Painting. 2nd grade
Type: Study guide
Author: S. Muminova
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 92
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-3-2
Name: Building structures. 11th grade
Type: Study guide
Author: R. Irgashev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 112
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-2-5
Name: Building structures. 10th grade
Type: Study guide
Author: R.Irgashev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 104
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8198-1-8
Name: The Changing World and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Type: monograph
Author: R.I.Nurimbetov
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 248
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-1-9
Title: Lessons of life and science
Type: Autobiography
Author: A.S. Safaev
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 220
Year of publication: 2021
Title: Enhancing the role of women leaders in ensuring sustainable development
Type: collection of articles
Author: University of World Economy and Diplomacy
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 352
Year of publication: 2021
Title: Diplomacy from heart to heart
Type: book-album
Author: Sobirov Kobiljon
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 204
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-0-2
Book Title: Materials Science
Type: Study guide
Author: G.Mukhamedova, Z.Zahidova
Publishing house: Art vernissage
Number of pages: 192
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 978-9943-8197-8-8