Photo Lab
We specialize in photographing paintings, graphics, sculptures, and objects of decorative and applied art, including 3D photography.
We are able to work with any surfaces and sizes. We know how to photograph shiny and transparent things. We take care of the objects we work with.
We guarantee high image detail, sharpness, accurate color reproduction, absence of glare and perspective distortions.
For the first time in our country, we carry out macro photography of objects of fine and applied art to form a technological passport of the object and its further study for various purposes: from attribution and confirmation of authenticity to carrying out high-quality restoration work.
We are the first in Uzbekistan to digitize art objects based on international ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) standards:
ISO 19264-1:2021(en) Photography — Archiving systems — Imaging systems quality analysis — Part 1: Reflective originals;
ISO/TR 19263-1:2017(en) Photography — Archiving systems — Part 1: Best practices for digital image capture of cultural heritage material
ISO 12233:2023(en) Photography — Electronic still picture imaging — Resolution and spatial frequency responses;
ISO 17957:2015(en) Photography — Digital cameras — Shading measurements;
ISO 15739:2023(en) Photography — Electronic still-picture imaging — Noise measurements.